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Life with Grams.
Navigating Alzheimer's
disease together
love + laughter.


In the years before her diagnosis, Mary had spent time living with different family members because we knew she couldn't really live completely alone anymore. After years of strange behaviors, we were finally able to get her an official diagnosis and by that point we figured the best thing to do would be to place her somewhere she could get 24-hour care. 

Our dementia journey


What is Alzheimer's? 

              It is a progressive disease that occurs when nerve cells in the  brain  die. The disease often results in impairments of your cognitive functions like memory, understanding, reasoning, perception, language, and other  behaviors. 

I would like to start off by saying that I am not a trained professional. I am a family caregiver. All that I have learned about this disease has been through my experience over the last 5 years. I am here to share our journey, my charismatic Grams, what I have learned and what has worked for us. Please remember that everyone is a different human, our brains are all very different & complex.

But 29 year old me  wanted 
 to provide Grams the best care 

 and I believed  I was the one to do it.

So in March of 2017   life with Grams 

had officially begun.


Carewell has all the values I look for in a company. I am so proud to join on as an ambassador because they have been in my shoes before & they understand the needs of a caregiver. 

Use my link and you can receive $10 off first order!


HFC is a nonprofit movement founded by Seth Rogen & Lauren Miller Rogen, whose mission is to care for families facing this disease, & educate young people about living a brain-healthy life.

I was fortunate to recieve a respite grant from them so I could afford time for myself. An amazing resource for Caregivers.

Caring about the caregiver

If you are a caregiver, never forget that you deserve care too. There are ways to help you get the care you need for yourself & loved one.  Caregivers seem to understand caregivers like no one else can. Make sure to click the logos to see what each site has to offer your caregiving journey, they have both been in our caregiving shoes before. 

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If you're lucky enough to have your grandparent around, GIVE THEM A CALL!

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